

South Pacific Architecture

327 Dominion Road, Mt Eden, Auckland., 1024

Business Details

Megan Rule graduated with honours from the Auckland School of Architecture in 1992 and worked on award winning projects, including Axis Building, D72 (Commercial Refits) and St Helier Residence with Auckland practice Patterson Co Partners until 1998. Prior to completing her degree she traveled extensively while based in the UK working for large commercial practice RHWL. In 1995 Megan participated in an international summer school based out of Macerata (Marche region) and Rome, Italy. From 1998 an extended break from the industry evolved into establishing an independent practice, South Pacific Architecture in 2000, with an expanding interest in the investigation of spatial and material context to produce environmentally sensitive enduring architecture.

Map Location

company map
327 Dominion Road, Mt Eden, Auckland., 1024